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18 july 2023

‘Twas a dark and stormy night… just kidding.

Take 2.

‘Twas an obnoxiously bright morning where the Alimoche Team decided to get back on track with our magazine. After 2 months of essentially radio silence, it is about time to speak out on our absence, and let our cherished Alimoche Family in on our next plans.

To clarify, we are not dead. We were merely dormant in a time of immense turbulence. From Kirk and Anika living together in a gorgeous new place, to Anika finishing her final exams, moving couches up 5 flights of stairs and an exploding toilet, our schedules were overloaded. Insert 2 absolutely exhausted parents and an equally shattered child, we had no choice but to lower working on Alimoche on the list of our priorities. Now we are settled, it seems this is the right time to reset, revive and rejig our plans.

Getting back on track, slowly but surely.

source: Anika's camera roll.

The main plans for the rest of the year concerning Alimoche are as follows.

  1. Brainstorm a digital/digi-print edition of Alimoche to be available to download around early Spring 2024.

  2. Launch some merch- let us know what you’d be interested in. Our main goals in this are sustainability and function. Things you’d actually want, love and use day-to-day.

  3. Collaborate with more inspiring individuals and groups within the creative industries, to showcase their work and talent, as part of the Alimoche Family.

  4. Host livestreams talking about our content, including Q&A panels.

  5. Creating exclusive Christmas content including a virtual advent calendar for the Alimoche Family.

These are our goals, which we have set with ambition in our hearts and determination in our minds, and we are relentlessly pushing to get started. We thank you immensely for your continued support and in reading this hope you will subscribe to our email alerts for more featured content.

Love to our Alimoche Family all over the globe! Make sure to subscribe to our email alerts, as well as our instagram, twitter and facebook pages.


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